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Children's Fun Continues... Sign-up

Pets Unleashed...
the FUN Continues
Sunday Events Registration Form
Do you give Wadsworth UMC permisson to use images of your child in printed or electronic publications, on the church website and in church displays?

Thank you for registering your child for Pets Unleashed... the FUN Continues!

We look forward to seeing you on August 13!

Remember parents must attend with their children.

Sundays        3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

August 13  Dog Show

August 20  Kitty Toys

August 27  Dog Treats

September 3 Fish Bowl & Bubbles


Activities at 

Wadsworth United Methodist Church

195 Broad Street, Wadsworth Ohio


For children ages 4 through 5th grade


Join us as we continue the pet theme from vacation bible school for one hour each week. See flyer for event details.

We want to meet you and your family as we continnue to learn about God's love for each of us!




01 - WUMC_horizontallockup-Colored.png

195 Broad Street, Wadsworth, OH 44281

Office Hours

Monday-Friday   9:00am - 2:00pm


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