About Jennifer.
Director of Connection & Care
Administrative Assistant
Making a difference...
Jennifer loves connecting people to small groups and has a personal goal to meet everyone who attends or visits our church. Why? "Connection is a beautiful thing. When one gets plugged into a small group, two things happen. Connections to God grow stronger as does one's sense of belonging. I want everyone to experience that." Jennifer also works in the church office as our administrative assistant making sure that "all things office-related" run smoothly.
Love this church...
"I have met some of my best friends here and will cherish them forever."
Education & Experience
Bachelor's degree in Accounting from Kent State University.
Worked as an auditor, staff accountant and manager.
Employed by Wadsworth UMC since 2015.
Things she enjoys...
meeting new people
learning about healthy living
nature & hiking
leading Bible studies
Jennifer is married to Frank, and they have two children, Lauren and Ryan and one fur baby, Savannah (dog).